Gnocchis de courge, sauce courge & moutarde, garniture lardons – 💪

 💪 Fit Meal  🎃✨ Dégustez des gnocchis de courge moelleux nappés d’une délicieuse sauce à la courge relevée de moutarde, le tout sublimé par une garniture de lardons savoureux. 🥓🍁

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🎃✨ Dégustez des gnocchis de courge moelleux nappés d’une délicieuse sauce à la courge relevée de moutarde, le tout sublimé par une garniture de lardons savoureux. 🥓🍁

This recipe is available in Standard + portion

  • 30% more ingredients - Ideal for a large appetite or for two people

High protein - 💪 Fit Meal

  • 25 grams of protein minimum per serving and 680 calories maximum


Gnocchi à la pomme de terre, œuf, huile d’olive, courge hokkaïdo, lardon fumé, courge doubeurre, oignon, eau, lait entier, crème de lait, parmesan, curry, sel blanc, poivre blanc, moutarde

Nutritional information - Per serving of 450 grams

Energy, calories 594 kcal
Protein 26 g
Carbohydrates, available 71 g
Fats 25 g
Fatty acids, saturated 10 g
Dietary fibres 6 g
Salt 5 g


  • Milk (and lactose)
  • Mustard
  • Cereals containing gluten
  • Egg


⏲️ 4 minutes in the microwave
Our trays are compatible with
🥘12 minutes in a conventional oven
Transfer to a suitable dish
🍳8minutes in a frying pan
Simply reheat in the pan

In addition

  • We favour quality products (Swiss, organic, local, seasonal)
  • Our prices are inclusive of all taxes
  • Delivery throughout Switzerland - Early in the week
  • Delivery costs calculated in the final cart according to the place of shipment

Further information

Weight 450 g
Dimensions 20 × 15 × 5 cm

Large (600 g), Standard (450 g), Small (350 g)