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  • Sweet squash pie

    Sweet squash pie

    Hi, I'm sharing this seasonal recipe with you today! On this autumnal weekend and in the midst of the Halloween festivities! Squash is often used for the famous pumpkin soup or other savoury dishes, but we forget that it can also be used in sweet dishes! I love it and add...

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  • What to do with a bad wine?

    What to do with a bad wine?

    You may have already experienced this situation: you had kept a supposedly "good bottle" in reserve to celebrate an important event, but when you wanted to taste it, (bad) surprise, the wine tasted funny!

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  • Weekly Food offers an innovative recyclable cardboard packaging solution

    Weekly Food offers an innovative recyclable cardboard packaging solution

    After 1 year's research, Weekly Food now offers an innovative recyclable cardboard packaging solution! A first in Switzerland for an artisanal prepared meals company, Weekly Food has become a pioneer in offering its customers a recyclable cardboard packaging solution. This new technology keeps your meals fresh for up to 7 days, with the...

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